PM Modi said in UP’s Kanpur Dehat, “The Muslim girls feel safe under the BJP led government in Uttar Pradesh. Many more Muslim girls are going to schools and colleges in the state now.”
New Delhi: With the high-profile election in Uttar Pradesh underway, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday (February 14) said that Muslim girls feel “safe” under the Yogi Adityanath-led government in the state.
Addressing a public rally in UP’s Kanpur Dehat, Modi said, “The Muslim girls feel safe under the BJP led government in Uttar Pradesh. Many more Muslim girls are going to schools and colleges in the state now.”
In an attempt to ‘woo’ women voters, Modi claimed that the UP government has punished criminals who harassed Muslim women. “Our Muslim daughters used to face a lot of trouble while going for studies because of eve-teasers on streets. They now have a sense of security after criminals were taken to tasks by our government,” ANI quoted the PM as saying.
Earlier on February 10, PM Modi had appealed to the Muslim voters during a rally in Saharanpur and said that the opposition parties got restless when Muslim women backed BJP. He had also said that BJP has “freed the Muslim sisters and daughters from the menace of triple talaq”.
Meanwhile, PM Modi also exuded confidence in BJP’s win on Monday. “High voting turnout in second phase polling in Uttar Pradesh points at BJP returning to power again,” Modi said, adding, “Holi will be celebrated in Uttar Pradesh on 10th March itself.”
Polling for the second phase of the Uttar Pradesh elections is currently underway for 55 Assembly constituencies. Nine districts of Saharanpur, Bijnor, Amroha, Sambhal, Moradabad, Rampur, Bareilly, Budaun and Shahjahanpur are voting today. The counting of the votes will take place on March 10.