Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah shared pictures and videos of the Z-Morh tunnel on social media, ahead of the tunnel’s official inauguration by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday. PM Modi, reacting to Abdullah’s post, expressed his excitement about the visit to Sonamarg, where the much-anticipated tunnel is set to be inaugurated. The tunnel promises to significantly improve connectivity in the region and boost tourism.
On Saturday, Abdullah visited the Gagangir area of Ganderbal district to review the preparations for the inauguration. In his post on X (formerly Twitter), the Chief Minister highlighted the key benefits of the Z-Morh tunnel. “The inauguration of the Z-Morh tunnel will open Sonamarg to tourism all-year-round. Sonamarg will now be developed as a great ski resort. The local population will not have to leave in winter, and the travel time to Kargil/Leh from Srinagar will also reduce,” Abdullah wrote.
PM Modi, on his part, shared his excitement for the visit and the tunnel’s potential. “I am eagerly awaiting my visit to Sonamarg, Jammu and Kashmir, for the tunnel inauguration. You rightly point out the benefits for tourism and the local economy. Also, loved the aerial pictures and videos!” the Prime Minister wrote on X.
The Z-Morh tunnel, a 6.5 km long two-lane road tunnel, will bypass a stretch of road prone to avalanches and heavy snowfall, which often blocks the highway during winter months. Located between Gagangir and Sonamarg in the Ganderbal district, the tunnel will provide all-weather connectivity to the Sonamarg tourist town, making it easily accessible year-round.
Before the inauguration, Omar Abdullah visited the site of the tunnel and met with engineers and workers involved in its construction. He expressed his appreciation for their work, acknowledging the importance of the project in improving infrastructure in the region. Abdullah also emphasized the potential of the region’s tourism, stating that Sonamarg and the surrounding areas would become major destinations for winter sports, much like Gulmarg.
Once the tunnel becomes operational, travel time between Gagangir and Sonamarg will be reduced to just 15 minutes, compared to several hours over the previous zigzag road. The tunnel will also serve as a vital link for the Ladakh region and the Amarnath Yatra, in addition to creating employment opportunities for local youth and providing a much-needed boost to tourism.
Ahead of the formal inauguration, security measures have been put in place in the region, with a significant presence of SPG, security forces, Jammu and Kashmir Police, and the army. PM Modi is scheduled to address a public gathering at Sonamarg during his visit on Monday.
The Z-Morh tunnel is expected to play a pivotal role in transforming the region’s connectivity, tourism, and economic development, marking a significant milestone in Jammu and Kashmir’s infrastructure progress.
Sources By Agencies