Chinmay Sharma, a 27-year-old digital marketing executive from Noida, tragically passed away due to altitude sickness during a solo bike trip to Leh, according to reports. Sharma, who was the only child of his parents, had embarked on his journey to Leh on August 22.
On August 26, Sharma contacted his father to report a severe headache. Following his father’s advice, he sought medical attention but continued to experience worsening symptoms. By the end of the day, Sharma informed his father that he was struggling with breathing difficulties. His father, concerned for his son’s well-being, arranged for the hotel manager in Leh to take Sharma to the hospital.
Despite receiving medical treatment, Sharma succumbed to his condition on August 29, just hours before his parents could arrive in Leh to be by his side. His parents, who are both teachers in Muzzafarnagar, Uttar Pradesh, were devastated by the news.
Leh, situated at an elevation of approximately 10,000 feet, is known for its high-altitude desert conditions. Visitors are generally advised to acclimatize for at least three days to mitigate the risks of high-altitude sickness. Sharma’s death underscores the dangers associated with rapid exposure to low oxygen levels and pressure changes at such elevations.
Altitude sickness can manifest in several forms, ranging from mild symptoms like headaches and nausea to more severe conditions such as High-altitude Cerebral Edema (HACE) and High-altitude Pulmonary Edema (HAPE), which can be life-threatening if not promptly addressed.
Authorities and healthcare professionals recommend gradual acclimatization and awareness of symptoms to prevent such tragedies in high-altitude travel.
Sources By Agencies