Twenty elephants, rescued from the harsh conditions of the logging industry, are set to find a new life at Vantara, a private animal rescue center founded by Anant Ambani, the younger son of Reliance Industries chairman Mukesh Ambani and his wife Nita Ambani. The rescue operation, carried out with the full consent of the elephants’ current owners, was overseen by a High-Powered Committee set up by the Tripura High Court, with approval from the Supreme Court of India.
The elephants, which include ten males, eight females, one sub-adult, and one calf, are being transported from Arunachal Pradesh to Jamnagar, where they will live at Vantara. Specially-designed elephant ambulances have been arranged to ensure their safe transportation. This initiative follows extensive planning and is being managed by a team of over 200 experts, including veterinarians, senior caretakers, and ambulance drivers.
Vantara, known for its focus on animal welfare, will provide a sanctuary where the elephants can live chain-free—an environment that contrasts sharply with their previous life of forced labor in the logging industry. Many of the elephants suffered significant physical and psychological trauma due to the brutal conditions of captivity. Elephants like Laxmi, a sub-adult, endured deep, untreated wounds caused by harsh training methods, while others like Maya, a 2-year-old calf, were found with severe harness-induced injuries.
Dr. Sorang Tadap, a veterinary officer at Itanagar Biological Park, explained that captive elephants often face a range of health issues, from physical injuries like arthritis to psychological trauma caused by the extended labor and confinement in chains. Vantara’s goal is to give the elephants a life of freedom and rehabilitation, offering them medical care and a nurturing environment.
Despite facing some social media backlash over the transport of the elephants, Vantara clarified that it had secured all the necessary documentation under the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972, and obtained required permits from the Gujarat Forest Department and Arunachal Pradesh Forest Department.
Once settled at Vantara, the elephants will be able to roam freely without the shackles of captivity. The rescue center is committed to providing them with the care they need to heal both physically and mentally.
Vantara’s rescue initiative reflects Anant Ambani’s commitment to animal welfare, showcasing his dedication to improving the lives of rescued animals and ensuring that they receive a dignified existence, free from the exploitation they previously endured.
Sources By Agencies