At the ongoing Mahakumbh Mela in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, where millions gather to take a holy dip in the confluence of the Ganga, Yamuna, and Saraswati rivers, one presence has caught the attention of many – Abhay Singh, a former aerospace engineering student from IIT Bombay who has now embraced a spiritual path. Known as the ‘IITian Baba,’ Singh’s story of transitioning from science to spirituality is intriguing and has garnered widespread attention online.
The Mahakumbh Mela is home to various ascetics, sages, and spiritual leaders, each with unique life stories. Among them is Singh, whose background in aerospace engineering sets him apart. During an interview with CNN News18, Singh was asked about his educated and articulate manner of speaking. He casually revealed that he had studied aerospace engineering at IIT Bombay. The revelation left the interviewer momentarily stunned before asking him to confirm it. Singh’s response was simple yet profound, “Yes.”
When asked how he reached the stage of becoming a spiritual guru, Singh reflected on his journey, saying, “This stage is the best stage.” He further explained, “If you keep pursuing knowledge, where do you reach? This is where you reach.” Singh emphasized that his search for meaning in life began even during his engineering studies, where he pursued philosophy courses like Post Modernism, Socrates, and Plato to better understand the purpose of life.
Singh’s unique transformation from an engineering student to a spiritual sage is a testament to his quest for a deeper understanding of existence. After completing his engineering degree, Singh turned to the “arts side” and pursued a Masters in Design, further expanding his intellectual horizons. His journey reflects the shift from seeking worldly achievements to finding spiritual fulfillment.
The video of Singh’s interview has since gone viral, with many social media users praising him for his dedication to knowledge rather than wealth. His story has struck a chord with people, highlighting the importance of pursuing inner peace and wisdom over material gains. Singh’s journey serves as an inspiring example of how knowledge and spirituality can intersect, leading to profound self-discovery.
As the Mahakumbh Mela continues, Abhay Singh, the IITian Baba, is a living example of someone who has charted an extraordinary path from the world of science to a life of spiritual devotion, and his story continues to inspire many.
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